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Secure User Authentication | Android + Ktor Server + MongoDB
Introduction (1:56)
Client-Server Communication Explained (9:00)
Authentication vs Authorization (5:03)
ID Token (5:43)
Access Token (3:22)
OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect (6:27)
JSON Web Token - JWT (8:37)
Sessions and Cookies (5:51)
One-Tap Sign in for Android (4:29)
Project Resources
Implement One-Tap Sign in on Android
Project Setup (4:18)
Application Design Preview (7:03)
Google Cloud Platform (5:26)
Navigation Setup (3:11)
Dagger-Hilt Setup (8:05)
Create Google Button component (11:03)
Create MessageBar component (18:46)
Create LoginScreen (11:44)
DataStoreOperations and Repository (8:51)
RepositoryModule (4:47)
LoginViewModel (7:26)
One Tap - Sign in/Sign up (11:32)
StartActivityForResult (8:34)
Retrieve ID Token (18:38)
Back-end Server with Ktor
Generate and Setup the Project (8:08)
Install a Postman & Add a Root Route (9:53)
Setup Session Plugin (10:29)
Setup Authentication Plugin (7:10)
Authorized Route (14:53)
Verify Token ID (14:14)
Introducing with MongoDB (5:41)
Download and Install Mongo DB (3:01)
Install Koin Plugin (4:21)
Create & Implement UserDataSource (11:46)
TokenVerification - Add User to Mongo DB (11:07)
GetUserInfo Route (9:08)
UpdateUserInfo Route (10:22)
DeleteUser Route (6:42)
SignOut Route (3:03)
Implement Profile Screen on Android
Create Ktor API (7:26)
Implement Repository (5:30)
Verify Token with the Backend Server (13:11)
Create ProfileTopBar (10:04)
Display AlertDialog (8:54)
Create ProfileContent (8:32)
Get User Information (12:21)
Update User Information (11:01)
Sign Out (9:20)
Delete User Account (4:23)
Handle Session Removal (7:38)
Final Touch (2:13)
Server Deployment
Push your Server on Heroku (16:05)
Connect MongoDB Atlas (12:34)
Network Traffic Inspection (5:09)
Course Updates
Update #1 - Dependency Update, Code Cleanup (4:16)
Update #2 - Dependency Update and Code Cleanup (2:25)
Push your Server on Heroku
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