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Full Stack Kotlin Multiplatform KMP Development | Web Mobile
Introduction and Setup
Introduction (6:35)
About KMP (2:23)
About Kobweb (3:02)
Download & Install Kobweb Binary (5:24)
Create an Empty Kobweb Project (10:52)
Project Source Code (Github)
Admin Panel - Login Screen
Admin Panel Overview (6:45)
Design Login Screen (20:41)
Creating a Transition Animation (6:03)
Kmongo Setup + MongoRepository (13:43)
Create a first API Endpoint - usercheck (11:55)
Create commonMain module (8:04)
POST Request - Check User Existence (14:10)
MongoDB Local Server setup (12:16)
Redirect Unauthorized users (15:10)
Admin Panel - Home Screen
Create SidePanel (19:58)
NavigationItem - Transition Animation (11:15)
NavigationItem - Selected State (9:21)
Logout the user (3:17)
Create CollapsedSidePanel (10:17)
Create OverflowSidePanel (12:11)
Animate OverflowSidePanel (6:29)
Create AdminPageLayout (2:41)
Create AddButton (7:34)
Create HomeContent (11:59)
Fetch a Random Joke from a third party API (19:10)
Create a LoadingInicator component (7:57)
Admin Panel - Create Screen
Create Switch and Input Fields (16:26)
Create CategoryDropdown component (13:15)
Create ThumbnailUploader component (15:21)
Create EditorKey components (10:26)
Animate EditorKey components (4:08)
Editor and CreateButton (12:25)
Create a Post Model class (6:20)
Let's improve our code (#1) (4:54)
Add a New Post - jvmMain (9:11)
CreatePageUiEvent Model class (6:58)
Add a New Post - jsMain (17:55)
Display a Message Popup (7:11)
Create a Success Page (5:31)
Create EditorControl class (9:03)
Apply Style on a selected text (13:57)
Link Control implementation (10:45)
Image Control implementation (5:42)
Code Control implementation (7:00)
Break Style implementation (7:08)
Admin Panel - MyPosts Screen
Create a SearchBar (12:23)
Create post selection elements (7:13)
Create ApiListResponse and PostWithoutDetails models (4:47)
Implement readMyPosts API Endpoint (11:04)
Create PostPreview component (15:35)
Lets add some more posts (11:22)
Create CategoryChip component (4:40)
Implement Show more posts (10:54)
Selectable PostPreview implementation (13:26)
Delete Selected posts (12:51)
Search Posts by Title (20:39)
Hide the SearchBar (6:43)
Read Selected Post (16:08)
Let's improve our code (#2) (13:16)
Custom Generic functions - Make your life easier (12:29)
Update Create Page information (8:06)
Update a Selected Post (14:03)
Blog Website - Home Page
Blog Design Preview (3:22)
Create a Header Section (12:03)
Modify a SearchBar component (5:18)
Make Header Fully Responsive (9:21)
Create HomePage Overflow Panel (7:26)
Fetch Main Posts (10:02)
Create a MainSection (24:25)
Fetch Latest Posts (9:38)
Create a PostsSection (15:29)
Fetch Sponsored Posts (2:52)
Create a SponsoredPostsSection (12:42)
Fetch Popular Posts (5:17)
Display Popular Posts (4:19)
Implement a Subscribe to Newsletter logic (7:22)
Create a NewsletterSection (17:04)
Blog Website - Search Page
Implement Search by Category logic (9:01)
Implement a PostsSection (16:37)
Implement Search by Title logic (12:39)
Fixing a SearchPage Error and adding a LoadingIndicator (6:25)
Blog Website - Post Page
Create a Post Page (16:29)
Post Page cleanup (12:34)
Add a PostPreview Style (3:19)
Create a Footer Section (5:03)
Android App
Create a New Android Module (12:47)
Custom Material 3 Theme (4:52)
Add dependencies inside the Android module (5:25)
Setup a MongoDB Atlas (14:09)
Create a MongoSync object (11:28)
Navigation Setup (5:27)
Create a PostCard component (13:57)
Fetch all posts from the database (16:15)
Create a shared module (11:28)
SearchBar implementation (14:01)
HomeScreen cleanup (8:41)
Create a NavigationDrawer (10:30)
Implement a Category Screen (12:02)
Implement a Details Screen (13:21)
Optionally hide Header and Footer sections (8:42)
NavGraph cleanup (6:41)
Backend - Update a Connection string (6:27)
Testing an Admin panel and Newsletter (4:06)
Let's deploy the server (14:58)
Final Touch
Adding a Box Shadow on a PostPreview (9:03)
Course Updates
#1 - Kmongo Migration Guide (12:38)
#2 Path composable and Dependency Update (5:07)
#3 - Category class cleanup (9:40)
#4 - Search Page & Dependencies Update (4:07)
Design Login Screen
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