We are going to develop our Android application using the power of Kotlin programming language.
Jetpack Compose
For building our application UI, we are going to use a modern UI toolkit called Jetpack Compose.
Android Studio
We are going to build our Android application using the most popular IDE called Android Studio!
Learn how to Develop a modern Android App!
🎓 What you will learn in this course
- Develop Android App from Scratch
- To-Do App with Jetpack Compose
- New Declarative way of Building UI
- Introducing with Jetpack Compose
- Composable Lifecycle
- Initial Composition and Re-composition
- States in Jetpack Compose
- Side Effects
- Layouts in Jetpack Compose
- Build Custom UI Components
- ROOM Database
- Compose Navigation
- ViewModel
- Dependency Injection with Dagger-Hilt
- Preferences DataStore
- Support for Dark and Light Themes
- Animate UI Components
- Animated Splash Screen
- Swipe to Delete Animation
- SharedViewModel
- Clean Architecture
- Transition Animations
- and more...
🤚 Requirements for taking this course
- Basics of Kotlin Programming Language
- Basics of Android Studio IDE
- Motivation to learn
Course Content
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Note: Before you start
- Create the New Project (9:39)
- Add Dependencies (3:00)
- Create Model Classes (5:51)
- Introducing with ROOM Database (4:19)
- Setup ROOM Database (14:58)
- Introducing with Dependency Injection (4:10)
- Introducing with Dagger-Hilt Library (7:58)
- Setup Dagger-Hilt (7:00)
- Create ToDoRepository (5:33)
- Create SharedViewModel (5:10)
- Introducing with Navigation in Jetpack Compose (5:26)
- Setup Navigation Component (19:14)
- List Screen - FAB (13:02)
- List Screen - Default List App Bar (9:39)
- List Screen - List App Bar Actions (25:15)
- List Screen - Search App Bar (17:24)
- List Screen - Search App Bar - Part 2 (18:25)
- Display All Tasks - Design Task Item (14:13)
- Display All Tasks - Observe Database (12:34)
- Display All Tasks - Show Empty Content (9:48)
- Display All Tasks - Create RequestState (7:54)
- Task Screen - New Task App Bar (11:27)
- Task Screen - Existing Task App Bar (9:25)
- Task Screen - Get Selected Task (8:32)
- Task Screen - Priority Drop-Down (13:34)
- Task Screen - Task Content (11:06)
- Task Screen - Display Dynamic Content (10:22)
- CRUD Operations - Limit Title Length (4:03)
- CRUD Operations - Bug Fix & Fields Validation (8:21)
- CRUD Operations - Add Task (10:09)
- CRUD Operations - Display Snack Bar (6:40)
- CRUD Operations - Update Task (3:22)
- CRUD Operations - Delete Single Task (3:15)
- CRUD Operations - Undo Deleted Task (10:21)
- CRUD Operations - Search Database (15:22)
- CRUD Operations - Delete All Tasks (5:07)
- Alert Dialog - Delete Single Task (13:13)
- Alert Dialog - Delete All Tasks (5:15)
- Introducing with DataStore (3:06)
- List Sorting - Create DataStoreRepository (8:10)
- List Sorting - Apply Sorting in a List (11:50)
- Priority Sort Drop-Down & TaskComposable FIX (2:57)
- Swipe to Delete - Implementation (12:34)
- Swipe to Delete - Animate Item Visibility (9:56)
- Splash Screen - Design Splash Screen (7:44)
- Splash Screen - Implement Splash Screen (7:38)
- Splash Screen - Animate Splash Screen (4:26)
- Navigation - Transition Animations (14:01)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Update #1 - Intercept Back Button (7:33)
- Update #2 - Code Cleanup - handleDatabaseActions() (4:48)
- Update #3 - Dependency Update and Code Cleanup (6:15)
- Update #4 - Configuration Change, SnackBar, SearchAppBar Bugs Fixed and more.. (7:46)
- Update #5 - Project Cleanup (13:53)
- Update #6 - Private Setters (15:57)
- Update #7 - Migrating to the new Splash API (7:29)
- Update #8 - Accompanist Navigation library migration + Soft keyboard updated (3:06)
- Update #9 - KAPT Migration and Undo Action fixed (6:52)
- Update #10 - Material 3 Migration Guide (41:52)
- Update #11 - SwipeToRefresh & SnackBar update (4:56)
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